In 1992 and 1993, the Metro Narcotics Unit of Ouachita Parish sponsored training seminars for narcotics officers throughout the state in Monroe. During these seminars, the idea of forming a state-wide organization for narcotics enforcement officers was frequently discussed. Prior to the close of the 1993 training seminar, a group of appoximately 25, from various areas of the State, met to further discuss this idea. It was then decided to appoint a temporary group to organize a later meeting. Unfortunately, records were not kept concerning these first meetings; but, among those who were chosen to make the initial plans for organization, were: Larry Norris, Bryan Boney, Adrian Lamkin, Mark Holley, D.E. Stevens and Curley Dortez.
An organizational meeting was held in the the Fall of 1993 at the Alexandria Police Training Academy with approximately 75 officers in attendance. A set of by-laws were proposed and adopted by those present, dues were set and officers were elected. The first LNOA Board of Directors were: President Larry Norris, 1st Vice President Adrian Lamkin, 2nd Vice President Curley Dortez, Secretary Mark Holley and Treasurer Bryan Boney. Shortly thereafter, Curley retired and was replaced by Percy Hebert as 2nd Vice President. During this meeting, the first annual LNOA conference was scheduled for October, 1994 in Alexandria.
In 1997, with the untiring help of Marty Maley and J.J. Williams with the LDAA and Ford McWilliams of the 1st Judicial DA's Office, LNOA filed Articles of Incorporation and became a chartered organization within Louisiana. LNOA later went on to seek non-profit status by complying with IRS rules and were granted 502-C3 status, which was a major milestone for the organization. LNOA has received a great deal of recognition for its sponsorship of a state-wide essay contest in conjunction with the LA DARE Officers Association. Through 2019, $42,000 in cash scholarships have been awarded to deserving students from all regions of the State.
Since organizing, LNOA has successfully accomplished many of its stated objectives. LNOA has provided quality training by hosting an Annual Training Conference; as well as hosting smaller seminars on a regular basis. The Association represents over 300 local, state and federal agents involved in all aspects of drug enforcement and police work. LNOA has provided testimony before the legislature on matters such as: Wire Tap, RICO, Rohypnol, GHB and many other matters of interest to our members. LNOA has become a medium for the exchange of ideas; as well as a medium for fostering goodwill among agencies.